ens of thousands of union members, allies, friends and family gathered in downtown Toronto for the annual Labour Day Parade. Major unions had large floats, music, DJs, dancers, and live bands. TSSA safety inspectors with OPSEU Local 546 for the Ex are currently on strike.
The march went from University Avenue and Queen Street in the downtown core westbound, then south to the Canadian National Exhibition grounds. Thousands of union members ended up crossing the picket line into the Ex at the end of the parade while a handful of CUPE activists gave out info about TSSA workers.
All photos were taken by Laura Proctor for The Hoser on September 5, 2022
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
A giant Doug Ford marches with OPSEU/SEFPO during Toronto’s Labour Day parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
A giant Doug Ford marches with OPSEU/SEFPO during Toronto’s Labour Day parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
Hundreds of union members march in Toronto’s annual Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022. Photo by Laura Proctor
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