

Our year in Food

A look at Canadian coverage of food prices, including The Grocery Tracker, by The Hoser's 'Food Guy.'

Grocery Tracker Update: The seasons of our chives

A look at whether seasonal changes in produce affect grocery prices. The answer may surprise you.

Grocery Tracker Update: The price of Halloween

The Hoser examines the differing costs of sweet treats across the Greater Toronto Area, just in time for Halloween

Grocery Tracker Update: Thanksgiving specials

A curious price drop in Prime Rib and Turkey just before the holiday season

Introducing the Grocery Tracker

The Hoser's latest investigative project tracks the price of groceries across the GTA

Putting The Don in Its Place: Toronto’s billion-dollar project to heal a river destroyed by development

More than a century of meddling with the Don River has created a perilous situation in the Port Lands, and the project underway to fix it involves $1.25 billion and a lot more meddling

Sovereignty, Labour, and the Push for a Better Marijuana Industry

Colonialism and workers' struggles in the emerging legal marijuana market

Disappearing Act: How an Encampment Whistleblower was Abducted by Police

Nullified arrest warrants used multiple times to justify arrest of Toronto encampment resident, Jordn Geldert-Hautala

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